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Welcome to CODESYS Forge!

A place to find share and collaborate in open source projects, all focusing on automation solutions, especially using CODESYS. Nowadays you don't find automation software solely in a factory. Kitchen gadgets, Home Automation, Smart Home and Garden solutions are bringing customized automation software into everyones home.

Everyone is highly welcome to become a member of every of the projects, hosted on this Website. All others are invited to browse the projects and repositories to get inspired or find usefull and impressive projects.

If you plan a cool extension of CODESYS, or you are just realizing a cool project using CODESYS, you are welcome to initiate a new project on this platform.

This way you can:

  • share your experience
  • provide tutorials, tools and proj
  • find other skilled developers who want to join your project
  • promote your project to potential users

This hosting platform is based on Apache Allura, which provides a numerous set of features to your projects:

  • Wiki Pages
  • SVN Repository
  • Git Repository
  • Bug Tracking
  • Forum
  • Blog

Why should I use CODESYS Forge instead of Source Forge, GitHub, GitLab or similar platforms?

There is definitely more than one reason:

  1. CODESYS Forge focuses on your project, not on repositories
  2. You can use CODESYS SVN for free to maintain your source code when you publish it on CODESYS Forge
  3. With cforge you get a perfect integration of CODESYS with CODESYS Forge
  4. Users can find all CODESYS related OSS projects in one place
  5. The Structure of the platform is optimized for CODESYS projects
  6. All members are working with similar tools and a similar background

If you think about sharing your work on CODESYS Forge, please start reading the Project Maintenance guide.

To Log-In you can use your CODESYS Account.

Have fun and enjoy your time on CODESYS Forge.