Activity for Ingo

  • Ingo Ingo created a blog post

    SVN + Git Repositories

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on discussion Deutsch 🇩🇪

    Hey Eddy, hab' dir das Projekt mal angehängt. Ist ein "proof of concept". Also erwarte nicht zu viel 😉 Folgende Zeilen sind vielleicht interessant: // call main szCommand := CONCAT(CONCAT('hugo=', DWORD_TO_STRING(hugo)), '$n'); SysFile.SysFileWrite(hFifo, ADR(szCommand), LEN(szCommand), 0); szCommand := CONCAT('main', '$n'); SysFile.SysFileWrite(hFifo, ADR(szCommand), LEN(szCommand), 0); Damit habe ich einen Zähler in eine Variable, Namens "hugo" geschrieben. Und dann die Methode "main" aufgerufen....

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on discussion Deutsch 🇩🇪

    Hi Eddy! Bin gerade unterwegs. Aber ich habe einen experimentellen aufbau in dem ich was ganz ähnliches probiert hab, was nur noch nicht so stabil und flexibel lief, wie ich es mir gewünscht hätte. Das kann ich aber gerne mit dir Teilen. Die groben Eckpfeiler was ich gemacht habe: SysProcessExecuteCommand2 aufgerufen um das script zu starten im Script den Prozess "daemonized" im Script eine Pipe angelegt im FB die pipe geöffnet aus dem FB Kommandos geschrieben, um Funktionen in dem python skript...

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on discussion Runtime 🇬🇧

    Didn't try it, but i expect two problems from the code: 1st: fopen( xExecute:= TRUE, xExecute is not toggled, so it is only executed once. maybe this would help: fopen( xExecute:= bWrite, 2nd: eFileMode:= 0, if you want to append a line, you need to set the filemode to "append". But this was just the first impression, on first sight. Cheers, Ingo

  • Ingo Ingo modified a blog post

    Allura Release Event

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on discussion Forge 🇬🇧

    From the description of writing an driver for a ADC via SPI I do only need a FB that contains the connector (also from SPI the template). Within the MCP3008 template there is the connector PLUS a additional FB contains "IBase", "ICmpIoDrv" and "ICmpIoDrvParameter". So what is the right way how to do it? Are both FBs needed? Actually not. But I found, that this is a clever design, as it hides some complexity. You have one function block, which contains the business logic to access the device. And...

  • Ingo Ingo created a blog post

    Allura Release Event

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on discussion Forge 🇬🇧

    Are the drivers really documented so badly? I hoped that they are helpful. Your approach was fully correct this far. If you started with the MCP3008, you should already be fine. Just make sure, that you use a unique ID, as described here: If you are curious about a specific concept, we can discuss this separatly.

  • Ingo Ingo committed [r11]

    fixed audio bug in windows

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on discussion Deutsch 🇩🇪

    Hi Arno! Wo die Applikationsdaten und Config Files liegen sehe ich fast als Prio 2. Initial hast du ja geschrieben, dass das Runtime sich automatisch nach 10 sec. beendet. Ist das noch genau so? Falls ja, würde ich noch gerne wissen ob du es auch mit der probiert hast. Dann würde ich das nämlich mal nachstellen und debuggen. Grüße, Ingo

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on discussion Runtime 🇬🇧

    At least my two cents from the runtime perspective: It should not be, that the number of processes increase, under normal circumstances. But, indeed, if the command produces a lot of output, I can imagine, that the current implementation of SysProcess might have such problems. So, I would recommend you to test it, by calling your own bash script, which is in fact doing the same as you do now, but discards the output. E.g. (untested): command0 : STRING := 'mysqlite3 '; 1 2#!/bin/bash exec "sqlite3"...

  • Ingo Ingo modified ticket #139

    Error in DC Sync

  • Ingo Ingo committed [r10]

    fixed some issues for windows, but still has problems in the "concat" step

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on discussion Forge 🇬🇧

    That's the main use case, but it might also be helpful in other scenarios.

  • Ingo Ingo modified a blog post

    Infinity Racing / Formular Student

  • Ingo Ingo modified a blog post

    Infinity Racing / Formular Student

  • Ingo Ingo created a blog post

    Infinity Racing / Formular Student

  • Ingo Ingo modified a comment on discussion Forge 🇬🇧

    To answer your last question first: You need no input. The commands are designed, they are crunching through all files recursively. The reason for this "weired" design is the main use case, for which I designed them: "Execute easy build tasks" So a command might look like "codesys compile-library" , and it operates on the whole repo (magically). Checkout this documentation, to understand the idea: So, maybe you now also got an idea on...

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on discussion Forge 🇬🇧

    To answer your last question first: You need no input. The commands are designed, they are crunching through all files recursively. The reason for this "weired" design is the main use case, for which I designed them: "Execute easy build tasks" So a command might look like "codesys compile-library" , and it operates on the whole repo (magically). Checkout this documentation, to understand the idea: So, maybe you now also got an idea on...

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on discussion Forge 🇬🇧

    Yes, exactly! In combination with cfUnit, I also experienced with this script You can start it in the container simply with the command "codesys build-test". While it worked locally, I didn't get it to run in my productive environment. But this was related to Drone, which I used as a test runner. This command builds a boot app, which I then started with this script:

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on discussion Forge 🇬🇧

    First question is, if you want to run the CODESYS IDE or the CODESYS Control Runtime (the PLC) in a container. For the IDE: For the Runtime: But those are just the images. To learn how to use them, you need more docker experience.

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on discussion Runtime 🇬🇧

    This is frequently asked here:

  • Ingo Ingo modified a wiki page

    Project Maintenance

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on discussion Runtime 🇬🇧

    Good to hear that! While I can't help technically, as I don't have those devices here in use, I am always willing to help in creating a project on Forge. If you have problems, let me know!

  • Ingo Ingo modified a wiki page


  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on discussion Forge 🇬🇧

    @wienni what's the idea behind this project? Did you encounter any problems? Talk Topic about project #smartpi-drv

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on a blog post

    Hi Shahwalid, welcome to our Forge! Unfortunately Blog posts are not the right place, to get in contact, ask questions to our community. Please check out our discussion platform CODESYS Talk. See you there...

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on discussion Runtime 🇬🇧

    Hi! Sounds like your problem is a few layers below your application. So if it worked already, and now doesn't. I assume it is either a problem of: the hardware the USB cable the linux driver the CODESYS configuration To exclude the first two, you could test the adapter on another PC or device. To see if the linux driver works at all, you may test it when CODESYS is not running, with minicom or similar. In the CODESYS configuration I can only imagine, that: the whole file is corrupted, and can't...

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on discussion Deutsch 🇩🇪

    Hab' ich selbst noch nichts mit gemacht. @robert das wäre doch etwas für die Examples, oder!?

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on discussion Engineering 🇬🇧

    4 years later, this is still correct. The SVN integration is available already for a long time, and can even be used for free, if you host your projects here on CODESYS Forge. The Git Integration will be available this year, as part of the professional developer edition:

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on discussion Runtime 🇬🇧

    Hi Andrija, this is a rather old question. I am trying to answering it anyway after such a long time, as it seems to be a popular one. Sorry for being so late. The website you found on, describes the reference systems of the runtime system toolkit. This is the software, which is sold to PLC manufacturers. Unfortunately there is no such version available for direct CODESYS users, which runs on an STM32. But for other systems, you can use the Runtime from the CODESYS Store:

  • Ingo Ingo modified a wiki page


  • Ingo Ingo modified a wiki page


  • Ingo Ingo committed [r22]

    I retested it with and upgraded the package to it again.

  • Ingo Ingo committed [r21]

    downgraded to SP15 again.

  • Ingo Ingo committed [r20]

    downgraded to SP16

  • Ingo Ingo committed [r19]

    upgrade to (for testing)

  • Ingo Ingo modified a wiki page


  • Ingo Ingo committed [r18]

    corrected edge version to

  • Ingo Ingo modified a wiki page


  • Ingo Ingo committed [r17]

  • Ingo Ingo committed [r16]

    downgraded to SP15

  • Ingo Ingo committed [r15]

    changed version to SP16

  • Ingo Ingo modified a wiki page


  • Ingo Ingo modified a wiki page


  • Ingo Ingo committed [r14]

    upgraded again

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on discussion Deutsch 🇩🇪

    Dann fehlt dir bestimmt auch noch die Library von hier: Die musst du, ähnlich wie die devdesc.xml, vorher installieren. Das schließe ich aus der Fehlermeldung. Ihm fehlt halt die Lib ;) Die variablen Mappen - dazu findest du bestimmt was passendes auf Youtube. Hab gerade keinen PC um dir 'nen Screenshot zu machen.

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on discussion Deutsch 🇩🇪

    Hi Entdecker, erfahrungsgemäß liegt es nicht daran, dass dir keiner helfen kann, aber vermutlich gerade keiner Lust auf orakeln hat. Die Leute hier (auch die Deutschsprachigen) sind meistens sehr hilfsbereit. Also wenn du deinen Fehler genauer beschreibst, haben bestimmt einige Leute eine Idee. Ganz grob zum Vorgehen: wenn du I2C oder SPI nutzen willst musst das im RaspiOS erst aktiviert werden. Das geht z.B. in 'nem Config File auf der SD Karte. danach hängt man den Treiber ein, wie du's gemacht...

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on discussion Runtime 🇬🇧

    I am not John, but can give you recommendations anyway 😉 Debian Buster Most current Linux SL from the store And if you have realtime requirements, Debian has readily patched kernels included. The packages are named like "linux-image-...-rt" Cheers, Ingo

  • Ingo Ingo modified ticket #138

    Grid snap: inconsistent and cumbersome behaviour

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on ticket #138

    Hi Anton! Unfortunately you came to the wrong spot. Please file a bug report in the CODESYS Store. This ticket system here is used for bugs on the webpage or infringement reports and such things.

  • Ingo Ingo modified ticket #138

    Grid snap: inconsistent and cumbersome behaviour

  • Ingo Ingo modified a wiki page


  • Ingo Ingo modified a wiki page


  • Ingo Ingo committed [r9]

    - support mp4 input

  • Ingo Ingo modified ticket #135

    Register not sending confirmation email

  • Ingo Ingo modified ticket #134

    not able to download 'Visualization Elements' example

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on discussion Forge 🇬🇧

    Why not? You basically attach a few digital signals to an FB, and get a value out of it.

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on discussion Forge 🇬🇧

    OK, then you should give us an explaination of your problem first. Currently I only know, that you have problems. But I don't know which. explain what you did explain what doesn't work as expected give us the error messages, if there were some ...

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on discussion Forge 🇬🇧

    In general: define a high priority task call the FB there map the digital output of the FB to a GPIO output That's it 😉 But as you might have read this thread, it seems to only work with one output. Seems like the GPIO driver has problems with multiple outputs.

  • Ingo Ingo committed [r13]

    downgraded linux SL version, because of connection problems...

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