Activity for Ingo

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on discussion Runtime 🇬🇧

    Maybe this helps? An old post, but should still be valid.

  • Ingo Ingo committed [r12]

    install codemeter-lite from codesys package, instead of downloading it directly

  • Ingo Ingo committed [r11]

    added wrapper for gateway service

  • Ingo Ingo committed [r10]

    added edge port to xinetd wrapper

  • Ingo Ingo committed [r9]


  • Ingo Ingo committed [r8]

    added edge gateway

  • Ingo Ingo committed [r7]


  • Ingo Ingo committed [r6]

    added workaround for ipv6, using xinetd

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on discussion Deutsch 🇩🇪

    sizeof ist jetzt auch nicht so ganz straight, oder!? Damit bekommst du ja nur die Datentypbreite in, also wieviele Bytes der Datentyp belegt. Wie realisierst du das dann? So? 😉 EXP(2, sizeof(bla) * 8 - 1)

  • Ingo Ingo modified a wiki page


  • Ingo Ingo committed [r5]

    use codemeter-lite

  • Ingo Ingo committed [r4]


  • Ingo Ingo committed [r3]

    install codemeter in advance

  • Ingo Ingo committed [r2]

    corrected results

  • Ingo Ingo committed [r1]

    initial test of an SL install script

  • Ingo Ingo modified ticket #32

    Create use "step by step" usecase based documentation for CFORGE tool

  • Ingo Ingo modified a wiki page


  • Ingo Ingo modified ticket #135

    Register not sending confirmation email

  • Ingo Ingo modified ticket #135

    Register not sending confirmation email

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on ticket #135

    Please send a mail to Then we can get in contact to help you. But be aware, that 90% of such problems is caused by spam filters. So it's also a good idea to make sure before, that it's not simply a spam filter of you or your ISP. 😉

  • Ingo Ingo modified ticket #137

    Jump to a process

  • Ingo Ingo modified ticket #136

    Jump to a process

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on ticket #136

    Hello Inna, welcome to our platform. Please ask such questions in CODESYS Talk.

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on discussion Runtime 🇬🇧

    I don't want to promote my stuff, but I use this library with local GPIOs and a custom driver to regulate the fan of my BBQ grill: From my experience, the accuracy on a Raspi with local I/Os is enough for those uncritical usecases.

  • Ingo Ingo committed [r7]

    use separate project file, instead of adding the Device to the library

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on discussion Deutsch 🇩🇪

    Hi! Eigentlich klingt die Aufgabenstellung einfach. Du machst ein Byte oder DWorde, zählst das hoch, und dividierst diesen Wert immer durch 256 bevor du ihn an den PWM Baustein von GPIOMod übergibst. Ich vermute, dass du es so ähnlich probiert hast. Vielleicht musst du dann doch deinen Code posten (zumindest 'nen schnipsel). PS: denke dran ihn mit ~~~ beginnen und enden zu lassen, dass man ihn hier gut lesen kann ;)

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on a blog post

    Hi Devendra, welcome on our platform. Please ask such questions on CODESYS Talk. There, the community can help you.

  • Ingo Ingo committed [r6]

    corrected build script name

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on ticket #134

    How did you try? When I use the download button, it just works.

  • Ingo Ingo modified ticket #126

    wizard "complete ..."

  • Ingo Ingo committed [r5]

    download dependencies

  • Ingo Ingo committed [r4]

    committed integration smoke test for unit test framework with drone

  • Ingo Ingo modified ticket #77

    Download missing device descriptions and libraries from forge

  • Ingo Ingo modified ticket #118

    comment created by a user, but I cannot see it under the ticket

  • Ingo Ingo modified ticket #124

    SVN commit: Error running context

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on ticket #126

    Hi Aliazzz, is this still the case?

  • Ingo Ingo modified ticket #127

    UTC to Local Time

  • Ingo Ingo modified ticket #128

    upload from Wago 750-493 to codesys

  • Ingo Ingo modified ticket #130

    conformance or 3rd party testing tools is available for CiA 402 Profile in CSV

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on ticket #130

    Sadly we can't help you here. You have two choices: To get ideas and feedback from the community, use CODESYS Talk. To get support for your product, use the "Question Form" on CODESYS Store.

  • Ingo Ingo modified ticket #132


  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on ticket #132

    Als kurzer Tipp: CODESYS kann Python Skripte ausführen. Und darüber solche Dinge automatisieren. Trotzdem will ich hier keine Diskussion aufmachen. Nutze hierfür bitte CODESYS Talk.

  • Ingo Ingo modified ticket #129

    CodeSys Data Report

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on ticket #129

    Sadly we can't help you here. You have two choices: To get ideas and feedback from the community, use CODESYS Talk. To get support for your product, use the "Question Form" on CODESYS Store.

  • Ingo Ingo modified ticket #107

    [WebApp] [Suggestion] Archive discussion artifacts on Projects

  • Ingo Ingo modified ticket #105

    new badges request

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on ticket #4

    Ticket moved from /forge/support/64/

  • Ingo Ingo modified ticket #133

    codesys Silent uninstall problem

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on ticket #133

    Sadly we can't help you here. You have two choices: To get ideas and feedback from the community, use CODESYS Talk. To get support for your product, use the "Question Form" on CODESYS Store.

  • Ingo Ingo modified a wiki page

    Privacy Policy

  • Ingo Ingo modified a wiki page

    Privacy Policy

  • Ingo Ingo modified a wiki page


  • Ingo Ingo modified a wiki page


  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on a blog post

    Hi Fahri, nice to read from you! And thanks for the hint. Just fixed it, and it will be part of the next deployment.

  • Ingo Ingo modified a blog post

    A Fair(y) Tale

  • Ingo Ingo created a blog post

    A Fair(y) Tale

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on discussion Runtime 🇬🇧

    But I would find it interesting for what you need the Gateway. If you just want to use it for communication through VPN or similar, you can also directly enter the IP address in the communication dialog (if you didn't know that feature already). This way a scan doesn't work, but you can download, debug and everything.

  • Ingo Ingo created a blog post

    More Input...

  • Ingo Ingo created a blog post

    The Wizard of the Forge

  • Ingo Ingo committed [0cd451]

    reverted change, that no XVFB was started anymore for noUi builds (didn't work on headless server)

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on discussion Codesys V2.3

    The common language on this platform is english. Please rephrase your question in english, so that more people can help you. Thanks!

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on discussion Runtime

    You're right. I forgot 😉 A workaround for this can be: VAR_INPUT // reference to first element to sort array : ANY; // number of elements in the array num : DINT; END_VAR

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on discussion Runtime

    Hi guys! I guess it is due to the high cost of the CASE within the loops. Another interfacing idea was, to use the ANY datatype: Then, to optimize the swapping, I would avoid the CASE, and just copy the elements by size (which is defined already by ANY). What do you think? Cheers, Ingo

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on discussion Runtime

    The standard is to shut down cleanly on power fail. If this is not possible, you can call AppStoreRetains from the CmpApp library at any time.

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on discussion Forge

    From my experience, it could either be the layout of the struct which doesn't match the json file, or characters / sizes of the members in the json file, which are not supported (yet). Maybe you could share a codesnippet, json file and then the content of the struct (to see if some members were initialized).

  • Ingo Ingo created ticket #8

    Interface to manage mappings of "ANY" datatype

  • Ingo Ingo created ticket #31

    Android App: Cache handling on Samsung S10 / Android 10

  • Ingo Ingo created ticket #20

    Update Device

  • Ingo Ingo modified ticket #19

    Install missing libraries

  • Ingo Ingo created ticket #19

    Install missing libraries

  • Ingo Ingo modified a wiki page


  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on discussion Runtime

    Sounds like you are a Toolkit customer? Then you should have a runtime support contact. Please ask there. I can't give you support with runtime adaptations here. And when you write an own runtime component, it's always an adaptation of the runtime. Cheers

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on a blog post

    Solche fragen bitte auf CODESYS Talk stellen. Dort sind viele Leute die dir bestimmt weiterhelfen können. Wobei ich zugeben muss, dass ich nicht ganz verstanden habe was du genau vor hast 😉

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