Post by stiller on OPC UA RPI Status Code / "out of range"
Hello, I have an OPC-UA server with an information model. For many values, there is a defined range (e.g., 0 to 100). If a client enters a value outside this range (e.g., 120), the StatusCode should change to Bad. How can I accomplish this? Any help is appreciated! Thank you in advance. Best regards, Christian Stiller
Last updated: 2024-07-10
Post by daqe102 on HTTP CLIENT (MAX SIZE)
Hi everybody I'm Paul and I need your knowledge, I am trying to send a huge Json (about 60,000 characters) through http client FB from codesys, however I saw that Maximum size of the http request in btyes are 16000, So, is there any way to resolve this situation? is it posible or there's a another opction to do it?
Last updated: 2024-08-21
Post by thedertom on Help with DynamicTextGetTextW
Hi I try to get korean texts out of a textlist. For that I want to use DynamicTextGetTextW, but I am a little confused how it is supposed to work. The function returns POINTER TO STRING, but how do I get WSTRING? I succesfully used DynamicTextGetText with classical Strings. Thanks in advance!
Last updated: 2024-09-02
Post by damian177 on Codesys Control for Linux SL
Hi, For many years my application has been running on Raspberry Pi. Now I have ported the application to a PC running with Debian OS with Codesys Control for Linux SL. Most of things works. But some is wrong with serial ports. Firstly , I wonder why /etc/CODESYSControl.cfg in Debian is empty ?
Last updated: 2024-09-08
Post by mozed on Connection to device closed
Hello, Exulting the command /opt/CoDeSysControl/Files/run restart debug I get this response from the linux terminal:(ScreenShot1 to ScreenShot7) When I try to reconnect via codesys this line appears at the linux terminal level:(ScreenShot8) A few seconds later, the error window appears on Codesys.(ScreenShot9) I see that following the command /opt/CoDeSysControl/Files/run restart debug there are errors, are they the problem? Sincerely,
Last updated: 2023-08-24
Post by docker on Canopen connection. Unknown node id.
hi, i am currently trying to adapt an i/o device for a project. the node id is unknown and there is no eds file available. no data is being emitted from the device as a giveaway, the baudrate is known but useless without the node id. is there an sdo request available to determine the id? i cannot get the device to leave pre op status even with a global nmt request. please help. no hair left.
Last updated: 2023-09-25
Post by amy123 on CSV Utility CANNOT_OPEN_DIRECTORY
Hello, I tried using the CSV Utility SL Example from the CODESYS IIoT Libraries SL. No matter what path I try, I can not get the InitSave to work from CSVWRitersSTExample, line 2. It always gives the error 'CANNOT_OPEN_DIRECTORY'. I am running this on an Windows Azure VM, with Codesys Control Win V3 x64. I added a folder called 'temp' to my C: so that the default 'C:/temp' would work. However it gives CANNOT_OPEN_DIRECTORY. I tried updating to 'C:\temp' with the same result. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Last updated: 2024-02-14
Post by durstloescher on Codesys Input Detector
Good morning, I am currently working on implementing a display dimmer. I want the display to dim after X minutes. This works so far. The implementation is done via the Linux subsystem, to which a command is sent to dim the display. However, my problem is resetting the timer when input is received. I want the dimming timer to be reset with each click/touch. Unfortunately, I can't find a suitable solution for this. Are there any ways to do this? Codesys v3.5 SP19 Patch 2
Last updated: 2024-02-15
Post by yannick on Raspberry PI 5 not working
Hello I'm using Codesys V3.5 SP19 Patch 6 and a Raspberry PI 5 4GB Bookworm 32bit with the Runtime SL. I can install the runtime and download the software completly but after a few seconds the connection disconnects with the message no connection to device. Please scan network again. And the object reference was not set to an object instance. See screenshot. Can somebody help me with that? Thanks
Last updated: 2024-04-28
Post by corriibme on Setting array values with JSON Utilities SL
It turns out that you can build JSON structures without ever calling the JSONBuilder function block directly. Instead, create a pointer to JSON.JSONData and invoke the necessary methods on its dereference. The parent object has a parent index of -1 (and an index of 0). EVERY other item (including keys, values, empty arrays and sub-objects) created by the setX methods needs the index to increase by 1. Then use the JSONByteArrayWriter FB to generate your JSON string
Last updated: 2024-05-23
Post by mini-developer on Precompilation Error NBS.UDP_Peer
Hello, I use the Library NBS from "caa net base services". After opening the Project i get 19 errors from the message window "Precompilation", most of them because it doesn't recognise a component of the FB "NBS.UD_Peer". (see photo) After compiling the Project at least 2 times, there are no errors. Is there a reason and solution for this behavior? Is there a problem with resolving the library? Thanks for any clue
Last updated: 2024-08-23
Post by fpawlak on KNX SL on stock PFC200 firmware
Hi All. Is it possible to use CODESYS KNX SL on stock Wago firmware (Codesys version, not e!Cockpit). I have Wago 750-8212 with firmware When I tried to run 'KNX SL' or even 'Device Reader', I have got [FATAL ERROR] Unresolved reference: 'CODEMGETCONTENTBYFIRMCODE3' [FATAL ERROR] Unresolved reference: 'CODEMGETCONTENTBYFIRMCODE2' [FATAL ERROR] Unresolved reference: 'CODEMGETCONTENTBYFIRMCODE2' What probbalby means that there is no running CodeMeter component on PLC. I have checked /etc/codesys3.d/CODESYSControl.cfg [CmpWebServer] WebServerPortNr=58080 [CmpSecureChannel] CertificateHash=86ccf31839a098ee32067179e26600f1bd6b36f8 [CmpUserMgr] AsymmetricAuthKey=a9d38381e75bbf1bbfc8749e97f536f68238a2ce So the question is if I can somehow add Codemeter to stock firmware? Or should I switched to CODDESYS Control for PFC200 SL or application-base runtime licence?
Last updated: 2024-05-23
Post by drno on Konfigurierte Compilerversion in Installation nicht verfügbar
Hallo, bedingt durch einen Rechnerwechsel musste ich verschiedene Codesys-Versionen wieder neu installieren, bzw. habe mit dem Codesys-Installer beim Setup einer neuen Version Add-ons einer bestehenden Installation importiert. Nun möchte ich ein bestehendes Projekt, welches auf einem Zielgerät mit recht alter Runtime läuft öffnen, dabei kommt der error "C0510: The configured compilerversion '' is not available in your installation". Auf dem alten Rechner wurde mit CODESYS V3.5 SP18 Patch 4 eben mit der Compilerversion übersetzt, beim Erstellen des Projektarchives geht jedoch der Compiler nicht mit und so kommt es auf dem neuen Rechner mit der Installation V3.5 SP18 Patch 4 zu diesem error. Übersetze ich das Projekt mit dem aktuellen Compiler, kommt eine ganze Latte an Fehlermeldungen. Gibt es eine Möglichkeit die Compilerversion in die Installation zu bekommen? Danke, schöne Grüße
Last updated: 2023-12-01
Post by francesco86 on Script python for write in a file Project information
Dear all, My python script can read a Codesys project and save in file the different POU, but the problem is that I don't able to read the project info from the obj list. Following of this message there is my python script. Can you help my? Best regards Francesco # encoding:utf-8 # We enable the new python 3 print syntax from __future__ import print_function import os import shutil import time import sys from datetime import datetime print("--- Saving files in the project: ---") print("sys.argv: ", len(sys.argv), " elements:") for arg in sys.argv: print(" - ", arg) if (len(sys.argv)>1): folderExportName = sys.argv[1] print(" folderExportName: ", folderExportName) exportPath = sys.argv[2]+ sys.argv[3]+ "\\"+ sys.argv[1] print(" File path: ", exportPath) # git has_repo=False #save_folder=r'E:\Tmp\ControlPlugins\ControlPlugins\Export' save_folder = exportPath if not os.path.exists(save_folder): os.makedirs(save_folder) else: a=os.listdir(save_folder) for f in a: if not f.startswith("."): sub_path= os.path.join(save_folder,f) if os.path.isdir(sub_path): shutil.rmtree(sub_path) else: os.remove(sub_path) elif f==".git": has_repo=True info={} type_dist={ '792f2eb6-721e-4e64-ba20-bc98351056db':'pm', #property method '2db5746d-d284-4425-9f7f-2663a34b0ebc':'dut', #dut 'adb5cb65-8e1d-4a00-b70a-375ea27582f3':'lib', #lib manager 'f89f7675-27f1-46b3-8abb-b7da8e774ffd':'m', #method no ret '8ac092e5-3128-4e26-9e7e-11016c6684f2':'act', #action '6f9dac99-8de1-4efc-8465-68ac443b7d08':'pou', #pou '6654496c-404d-479a-aad2-8551054e5f1e':'itf', #interface '738bea1e-99bb-4f04-90bb-a7a567e74e3a':'', #folder 'ffbfa93a-b94d-45fc-a329-229860183b1d':'gvl', #global var '5a3b8626-d3e9-4f37-98b5-66420063d91e':'prop', #property '2bef0454-1bd3-412a-ac2c-af0f31dbc40f':'tl', #textlist '63784cbb-9ba0-45e6-9d69-babf3f040511':'gtl', #global textlist '225bfe47-7336-4dbc-9419-4105a7c831fa':'dev', #device 'ae1de277-a207-4a28-9efb-456c06bd52f3':'tc', #task configuration 'f8a58466-d7f6-439f-bbb8-d4600e41d099':'m', #method with ret '261bd6e6-249c-4232-bb6f-84c2fbeef430':'gvl', #gvl_Persistent '98a2708a-9b18-4f31-82ed-a1465b24fa2d':'task', #task '085afe48-c5d8-4ea5-ab0d-b35701fa6009':'progInfo'#project information }; def save(text,path,name,tp): if not tp: tp='' else: tp='.'+tp+'.txt' with open(os.path.join(path,name+tp),'w') as f: f.write(text.encode('utf-8')) def print_tree(treeobj, depth, path): global info #record current Path curpath=path isfolder=False t='' #text tp='' #type # get object name name = treeobj.get_name(False) id = treeobj.type.ToString() if id in type_dist: tp = type_dist[treeobj.type.ToString()] #Print all type of objects #print("--Name: ", tp) else: info[id]=name if treeobj.is_device: deviceid = treeobj.get_device_identification() t = 'type='+str(deviceid.type) +'\nid=' +str( + '\nver='+ str(deviceid.version) if tp == "progInfo": print("-- There is prog info, ", tp) print("-- It has textual declaration: , ", treeobj.has_textual_declaration) print("-- It has textual implementation: , ", treeobj.has_textual_implementation) print("-- It is folder: , ", treeobj.is_folder) print("-- It is children: , ", treeobj.get_children(False)) print("-- It is children len: , ", len(treeobj.get_children(False))) print("-- It is progInfo type: , ", type(treeobj.ScriptProject)) #for child in treeobj.get_children(False): # print_tree(child, depth+1,curpath) try: if treeobj.is_folder : #system.ui.prompt('folder:'+u, PromptChoice.YesNo, PromptResult.Yes) isfolder=true pass except: pass if treeobj.has_textual_declaration : t=t+'(*#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#---Declaration---#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#*)\r\n' a=treeobj.textual_declaration t=t+a.text if treeobj.has_textual_implementation: t=t+'(*#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#---Implementation---#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#*)\r\n' a=treeobj.textual_implementation t=t+a.text if treeobj.has_textual_declaration and not treeobj.has_textual_implementation: t=t+'(*#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#---NOT Implementation visible---#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#*)\r\n' if treeobj.is_task : exports=[treeobj] projects.primary.export_native(exports,os.path.join(curpath,name+'.task')) if treeobj.is_libman: exports=[treeobj] projects.primary.export_native(exports,os.path.join(curpath,name+'.lib')) if treeobj.is_textlist: treeobj.export(os.path.join(curpath,name+'.tl')) children = treeobj.get_children(False) if children or isfolder: if tp: curpath=os.path.join(curpath,name+'.'+tp) else: curpath=os.path.join(curpath,name) if not os.path.exists(curpath): os.makedirs(curpath) if t: save(t,curpath,name,tp) for child in treeobj.get_children(False): print_tree(child, depth+1,curpath) for obj in projects.primary.get_children(): print_tree(obj,0,save_folder) with open(os.path.join(save_folder,'ExportInfo.txt'),'w') as f: now = infTimeExecution = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") f.write("Export date and time: "+infTimeExecution + "\r\n" + str(info)) print("--- Script finished. ---")'save ok') projects.primary.close()
Last updated: 2024-04-30
Post by francesco86 on Script python for write in a file Project information
Dear all, My python script can read a Codesys project and save in file the different POU, but the problem is that I don't able to read the project info from the obj list. Following of this message there is my python script. Can you help my? Best regards Francesco # encoding:utf-8 # We enable the new python 3 print syntax from __future__ import print_function import os import shutil import time import sys from datetime import datetime print("--- Saving files in the project: ---") print("sys.argv: ", len(sys.argv), " elements:") for arg in sys.argv: print(" - ", arg) if (len(sys.argv)>1): folderExportName = sys.argv[1] print(" folderExportName: ", folderExportName) exportPath = sys.argv[2]+ sys.argv[3]+ "\\"+ sys.argv[1] print(" File path: ", exportPath) # git has_repo=False #save_folder=r'E:\Tmp\ControlPlugins\ControlPlugins\Export' save_folder = exportPath if not os.path.exists(save_folder): os.makedirs(save_folder) else: a=os.listdir(save_folder) for f in a: if not f.startswith("."): sub_path= os.path.join(save_folder,f) if os.path.isdir(sub_path): shutil.rmtree(sub_path) else: os.remove(sub_path) elif f==".git": has_repo=True info={} type_dist={ '792f2eb6-721e-4e64-ba20-bc98351056db':'pm', #property method '2db5746d-d284-4425-9f7f-2663a34b0ebc':'dut', #dut 'adb5cb65-8e1d-4a00-b70a-375ea27582f3':'lib', #lib manager 'f89f7675-27f1-46b3-8abb-b7da8e774ffd':'m', #method no ret '8ac092e5-3128-4e26-9e7e-11016c6684f2':'act', #action '6f9dac99-8de1-4efc-8465-68ac443b7d08':'pou', #pou '6654496c-404d-479a-aad2-8551054e5f1e':'itf', #interface '738bea1e-99bb-4f04-90bb-a7a567e74e3a':'', #folder 'ffbfa93a-b94d-45fc-a329-229860183b1d':'gvl', #global var '5a3b8626-d3e9-4f37-98b5-66420063d91e':'prop', #property '2bef0454-1bd3-412a-ac2c-af0f31dbc40f':'tl', #textlist '63784cbb-9ba0-45e6-9d69-babf3f040511':'gtl', #global textlist '225bfe47-7336-4dbc-9419-4105a7c831fa':'dev', #device 'ae1de277-a207-4a28-9efb-456c06bd52f3':'tc', #task configuration 'f8a58466-d7f6-439f-bbb8-d4600e41d099':'m', #method with ret '261bd6e6-249c-4232-bb6f-84c2fbeef430':'gvl', #gvl_Persistent '98a2708a-9b18-4f31-82ed-a1465b24fa2d':'task', #task '085afe48-c5d8-4ea5-ab0d-b35701fa6009':'progInfo'#project information }; def save(text,path,name,tp): if not tp: tp='' else: tp='.'+tp+'.txt' with open(os.path.join(path,name+tp),'w') as f: f.write(text.encode('utf-8')) def print_tree(treeobj, depth, path): global info #record current Path curpath=path isfolder=False t='' #text tp='' #type # get object name name = treeobj.get_name(False) id = treeobj.type.ToString() if id in type_dist: tp = type_dist[treeobj.type.ToString()] #Print all type of objects #print("--Name: ", tp) else: info[id]=name if treeobj.is_device: deviceid = treeobj.get_device_identification() t = 'type='+str(deviceid.type) +'\nid=' +str( + '\nver='+ str(deviceid.version) if tp == "progInfo": print("-- There is prog info, ", tp) print("-- It has textual declaration: , ", treeobj.has_textual_declaration) print("-- It has textual implementation: , ", treeobj.has_textual_implementation) print("-- It is folder: , ", treeobj.is_folder) print("-- It is children: , ", treeobj.get_children(False)) print("-- It is children len: , ", len(treeobj.get_children(False))) print("-- It is progInfo type: , ", type(treeobj.ScriptProject)) #for child in treeobj.get_children(False): # print_tree(child, depth+1,curpath) try: if treeobj.is_folder : #system.ui.prompt('folder:'+u, PromptChoice.YesNo, PromptResult.Yes) isfolder=true pass except: pass if treeobj.has_textual_declaration : t=t+'(*#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#---Declaration---#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#*)\r\n' a=treeobj.textual_declaration t=t+a.text if treeobj.has_textual_implementation: t=t+'(*#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#---Implementation---#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#*)\r\n' a=treeobj.textual_implementation t=t+a.text if treeobj.has_textual_declaration and not treeobj.has_textual_implementation: t=t+'(*#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#---NOT Implementation visible---#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#*)\r\n' if treeobj.is_task : exports=[treeobj] projects.primary.export_native(exports,os.path.join(curpath,name+'.task')) if treeobj.is_libman: exports=[treeobj] projects.primary.export_native(exports,os.path.join(curpath,name+'.lib')) if treeobj.is_textlist: treeobj.export(os.path.join(curpath,name+'.tl')) children = treeobj.get_children(False) if children or isfolder: if tp: curpath=os.path.join(curpath,name+'.'+tp) else: curpath=os.path.join(curpath,name) if not os.path.exists(curpath): os.makedirs(curpath) if t: save(t,curpath,name,tp) for child in treeobj.get_children(False): print_tree(child, depth+1,curpath) for obj in projects.primary.get_children(): print_tree(obj,0,save_folder) with open(os.path.join(save_folder,'ExportInfo.txt'),'w') as f: now = infTimeExecution = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") f.write("Export date and time: "+infTimeExecution + "\r\n" + str(info)) print("--- Script finished. ---")'save ok') projects.primary.close()
Last updated: 2024-04-30
Post by sturmghost on Initialization of visualization variables and cyclic code execution
I'm looking for a smart and short way to implement initialization of visualization variables depending on the visualization input. For an easy example consider a rectangle which rests at XPos := 0 when the input state is false and at XPos := 50 when the input state is true. My visualization variables look like this: VAR_IN_OUT State : BOOL; END_VAR VAR XPos : INT; END_VAR I put this rectangle via a visualization frame element into another visualization and link a frame reference variable with the state to it. If the variable is true, the rectangle should rest at XPos := 50 and false at XPos := 0 at visualization init but how should I assign the 50 or 0 to the internal visualization variable XPos? I would need some init-methode for the visualization but I dont want a global init-method for such tasks. I want to do it inside of the visualization element but I can't see any solution for this? It would be good to be able to define ST-code within the visualization element which runs cyclic at each VISU_TASK task-cycle then I could just check the input state and change the XPos accordingly. Does someone have a solution?
Last updated: 2023-10-01
Post by caprez95 on Trace Restart Visuelement
Hello everyone. I've been struggling with the problem for a long time that I can't reset (restart) a trend (visual element). With the example I have now managed to control the trace recording via the CmpTraceMgr library. But how do I get this trace recording into a visual element? The code looks like this: // Configure trace IF xInit THEN // Create a trace packet PacketConfig.pszName := ADR('IECTraceConfiguration.Trace1'); // Name of trace PacketConfig.pszApplicationName := ADR('IECTraceConfiguration'); // Name of the application PacketConfig.pszIecTaskName := ADR('Task'); // Name of the task PacketConfig.pszComment := ADR('Demo packet'); PacketConfig.ulEveryNCycles := 1; PacketConfig.ulBufferEntries := 1000; PacketConfig.ulFlags := TRACE_PACKET_FLAGS.TRACE_PACKET_FLAGS_TIMESTAMP_MS AND TRACE_PACKET_FLAGS.TRACE_PACKET_FLAGS_AUTOSTART; IF (NOT fbTraceManager.CreatePacket(PacketConfig := PacketConfig, hPacket=>hPacket1)) THEN xError := TRUE; END_IF // Create a trace record RecordConfig.pszVariable := ADR('iSignal'); // This is the name of variable to record RecordConfig.tcClass := INT_TO_UDINT(TypeClass.TYPE_INT); // Type of the recording variable RecordConfig.ulSize := SIZEOF(iSignal); // Size of the recording variable pApp := AppFindApplicationByName('IECTraceConfiguration', 0); AppGetAreaOffsetByAddress(pApp, ADR(iSignal), ADR(RecordConfig.tvaAddress.taAddress.Area.usArea), ADR(RecordConfig.tvaAddress.taAddress.Area.ulOffset)); // Get and set area offsets RecordConfig.tvaAddress.ulAddressFlags := TRACE_VAR_ADDRESS_FLAGS_IEC OR TRACE_VAR_ADDRESS_FLAGS_AREA_OFFSET; RecordConfig.ulGraphColor := 16#FF00FF00; // green RecordConfig.ulGraphType := 1; // Line with points IF (NOT fbTraceManager.AddRecord(RecordConfig := RecordConfig, hPacket := hPacket1, hRecord => hRecord1)) THEN xError := TRUE; END_IF xInit := FALSE; END_IF // Starts the recording IF xStart THEN IF (NOT fbTraceManager.StartPacket(hPacket := hPacket1)) THEN xError := TRUE; END_IF xStart := FALSE; END_IF // Stop the recording IF xStop THEN IF (NOT fbTraceManager.StopPacket(hPacket := hPacket1)) THEN xError := TRUE; END_IF xStop := FALSE; END_IF // Reset the recording IF xReset THEN IF (NOT fbTraceManager.ResetPacket(hPacket := hPacket1)) THEN xError := TRUE; END_IF xReset := FALSE; END_IF
Last updated: 2024-06-04
Post by sturmghost on Mimic behavior of the visualization button element with a custom button
Im wondering how Codesys is doing the mouse event capturing with their visualization button element? If you add such a button without configuring any input configuration event (like OnMouseDown) or button state variable and then click on the button, the button changes to the visual pressed state and back if you release the button (so they must react to an OnMouseDown event). But how? If I try to mimic this behavior with my custom button visualization element (like a basic rectangle) I need to use an input configuration event to change the color of the button (to make it look like the button was pressed on OnMouseDown event). When I try to add this button via a Frame-Element to my main visualization page I'm unable to use an input configuration event on the Frame-Element because the input configuration event on the button element won't be evaluated anymore (it seems like you can't stack input fields, e.g. invisible input elements, onto each other). Hence the button is not shown pressed anymore. How they do it?
Last updated: 2024-08-04
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Last updated: 2024-10-26
Post by munwar on Temu Coupon Code |^•^100% off^•^| [^•^╭☞ {acq794628^•^] for New and Existing Customers.
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Tips for Maximizing Your Savings To get the most bang for your buck,. consider these strategies: 1. Combine your Temu coupon $100 off with ongoing sales 2. Look for bundle deals to increase your savings 3. Check Temu's daily deals for additional discounts 4. Sign up for Temu's newsletter to stay informed about upcoming promotions Temu Coupon $100 Off: Frequently Asked Questions You might be wondering about the details of these incredible offers. Let's address some common questions: Is the Temu $100 off coupon legit? Absolutely! The Temu 100 off coupon is legit and has been verified by countless happy customers. You can shop with confidence knowing that your Temu coupon code $100 off will be honored at checkout. Can I use the Temu coupon $100 off for existing customers on my first order? While the Temu coupon $100 off for existing customers is designed for repeat shoppers, new users can take advantage of the Temu coupon code $100 off for new users. Both offers provide the same great savings! How often can I use a Temu coupon $100 off? Typically, these coupons are one-time use per account. However, Temu frequently releases new promotions, so keep an eye out for fresh opportunities to save! Explore Temu's Best Deals with Your $100 Off Coupon Now that you're armed with your Temu coupon code $100 off, let's look at some popular categories where you can apply your savings: • Electronics • Fashion • Home & Garden • Beauty & Personal Care • Sports & Outdoors Hot Deals Alert: Temu Coupon Codes Don't miss out on these amazing offers: • acq794628: Temu coupon $100 off for existing customers free shipping • acq794628: Temu coupon $100 off for new users • acq794628: Temu coupon codes 100 off • acq794628: Temu coupon $100 off code • acq794628: Temu coupon $100 off first-time user Make the Most of Your Temu Shopping Experience As you explore Temu's vast catalog with your Temu coupon $100 off in hand, keep these tips in mind: 1. 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Whether you're shopping for yourself or looking for the perfect gift, Temu has you covered. Remember, the key to maximizing your savings is to stay informed about the latest promotions. Bookmark this page and check back regularly for updates on Temu coupon codes and deals. And don't forget – your Temu coupon code $100 off [acq794628] for existing customers is waiting to be used! Happy shopping, and enjoy your incredible savings with Temu! .
Last updated: 2024-10-26
Post by munwar on Temu coupon code ╭☞ {acq794628}: ||^°$100 off.^° ||
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Tips for Maximizing Your Savings To get the most bang for your buck,. consider these strategies: 1. Combine your Temu coupon $100 off with ongoing sales 2. Look for bundle deals to increase your savings 3. Check Temu's daily deals for additional discounts 4. Sign up for Temu's newsletter to stay informed about upcoming promotions Temu Coupon $100 Off: Frequently Asked Questions You might be wondering about the details of these incredible offers. Let's address some common questions: Is the Temu $100 off coupon legit? Absolutely! The Temu 100 off coupon is legit and has been verified by countless happy customers. You can shop with confidence knowing that your Temu coupon code $100 off will be honored at checkout. Can I use the Temu coupon $100 off for existing customers on my first order? While the Temu coupon $100 off for existing customers is designed for repeat shoppers, new users can take advantage of the Temu coupon code $100 off for new users. 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Whether you're shopping for yourself or looking for the perfect gift, Temu has you covered. Remember, the key to maximizing your savings is to stay informed about the latest promotions. Bookmark this page and check back regularly for updates on Temu coupon codes and deals. And don't forget – your Temu coupon code $100 off [acq794628] for existing customers is waiting to be used! Happy shopping, and enjoy your incredible savings with Temu! .
Last updated: 2024-10-26
Post by fukre on Temu Coupon Code ☛{" acq794628."}: |Get "$100 off" + 30% Discount|
Ready to elevate your shopping experience with Temu's incredible offers! Use our exclusive Temu coupon code $100 off [acq794628] for existing customers or for new users to enjoy massive savings on your next purchase. Temu: Your Gateway to Unbeatable Deals Temu has taken the e-commerce world by storm, offering a vast array of products at jaw-dropping prices. With free shipping to 67 countries and lightning-fast delivery, it's no wonder Temu has become a go-to destination for savvy shoppers. . But the savings don't stop there – let's explore how you can maximize your discounts with our Temu coupon $100 off for existing customers! 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Tips for Maximizing Your Savings To get the most bang for your buck,. consider these strategies: 1. Combine your Temu coupon $100 off with ongoing sales 2. Look for bundle deals to increase your savings 3. Check Temu's daily deals for additional discounts 4. Sign up for Temu's newsletter to stay informed about upcoming promotions Temu Coupon $100 Off: Frequently Asked Questions You might be wondering about the details of these incredible offers. Let's address some common questions: Is the Temu $100 off coupon legit? Absolutely! The Temu 100 off coupon is legit and has been verified by countless happy customers. You can shop with confidence knowing that your Temu coupon code $100 off will be honored at checkout. Can I use the Temu coupon $100 off for existing customers on my first order? While the Temu coupon $100 off for existing customers is designed for repeat shoppers, new users can take advantage of the Temu coupon code $100 off for new users. Both offers provide the same great savings! How often can I use a Temu coupon $100 off? Typically, these coupons are one-time use per account. However, Temu frequently releases new promotions, so keep an eye out for fresh opportunities to save! Explore Temu's Best Deals with Your $100 Off Coupon Now that you're armed with your Temu coupon code $100 off, let's look at some popular categories where you can apply your savings: • Electronics • Fashion • Home & Garden • Beauty & Personal Care • Sports & Outdoors Hot Deals Alert: Temu Coupon Codes Don't miss out on these amazing offers: • acq794628: Temu coupon $100 off for existing customers free shipping • acq794628: Temu coupon $100 off for new users • acq794628: Temu coupon codes 100 off • acq794628: Temu coupon $100 off code • acq794628: Temu coupon $100 off first-time user Make the Most of Your Temu Shopping Experience As you explore Temu's vast catalog with your Temu coupon $100 off in hand, keep these tips in mind: 1. Read product reviews from other customers 2. Check sizing charts for clothing and shoes 3. Compare similar items to find the best value 4. Take advantage of Temu's customer service for any questions The Temu Difference What sets Temu apart from other e-commerce platforms? It's not just about the Temu $100 coupon bundle – it's the overall shopping experience. With a user-friendly interface, a wide range of products, and unbeatable prices, Temu is revolutionizing online shopping. I've been using Temu for months now, and I can confidently say that the savings are real. Whether you're a new user looking to score a great deal with a Temu coupon code $100 off first order or an existing customer ready to use your Temu coupon $100 off for existing customers first order, you're in for a treat. Conclusion: Shop Smart with Temu In today's economy, finding ways to save money without sacrificing quality is crucial. That's why I'm thrilled to share these Temu coupon $100 off opportunities with you. Whether you're shopping for yourself or looking for the perfect gift, Temu has you covered. Remember, the key to maximizing your savings is to stay informed about the latest promotions. Bookmark this page and check back regularly for updates on Temu coupon codes and deals. And don't forget – your Temu coupon code $100 off [acq794628] for existing customers is waiting to be used! Happy shopping, and enjoy your incredible savings with Temu! .
Last updated: 2024-10-26
Post by alimans on Hex string
Hi kdkwhite, for Word you still can use suggested code by using a union structure and crack down your Word to two byte as bellow: TYPE CrackWordToByte : UNION InWord : WORD; OutBytes : ARRAY [0..1] OF BYTE; END_UNION END_TYPE then define your variable as this type: udInput : CrackWordToByte; now assign your Word variable input to InWord and send OutBytes[x] to the mentioned method: udInput.InWord := WordVariableInput; Input := udInput.OutBytes[x]; Regarding your question about the code: actually 48 is ascii code of "0" and while 65 is the ascii code of "A" so in above code 55 + 10 would be 65.
Last updated: 2023-09-20
Post by derpaul on PFC200 Update to - No Connection
Hallo Today I decided to perform an Update on my PFC200 but after the Update the Device was not reachable anymore. I tried reseting to factory reset. Software reset and so on, but nothing helps... In my Router I can see it, I cann SSH into the PFC200 but it is not reachable. Then I try to go back to But now I get this error: [INFORMATION] Befehl SSH auf root@ ausführen: Laufzeitsystem stoppen [FEHLER] Fehlerausgabe: /etc/init.d/codesyscontrol: line 34: /opt/codesys/scripts/init-functions: No such file or directory [INFORMATION] Standardausgabe: /etc/init.d/codesyscontrol: line 34: /opt/codesys/scripts/init-functions: No such file or directory Please help, I can't get this thing working... Regards
Last updated: 2023-09-27
Post by derpaul on PFC200 Update to - No Connection
Hallo Today I decided to perform an Update on my PFC200 but after the Update the Device was not reachable anymore. I tried reseting to factory reset. Software reset and so on, but nothing helps... In my Router I can see it, I cann SSH into the PFC200 but it is not reachable. Then I try to go back to But now I get this error: [INFORMATION] Befehl SSH auf root@ ausführen: Laufzeitsystem stoppen [FEHLER] Fehlerausgabe: /etc/init.d/codesyscontrol: line 34: /opt/codesys/scripts/init-functions: No such file or directory [INFORMATION] Standardausgabe: /etc/init.d/codesyscontrol: line 34: /opt/codesys/scripts/init-functions: No such file or directory Please help, I can't get this thing working... Regards
Last updated: 2023-09-27
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