Search talk: axis scale

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Trend auto axis not working with exception values CODESYS Forge talk (Thread)
Trend auto axis not working with exception values
Last updated: 2021-09-06

showing a graph with date and time x axis CODESYS Forge talk (Thread)
showing a graph with date and time x axis
Last updated: 2023-08-15

Codesys Visu for Raspberry PI - X axis variable CODESYS Forge talk (Thread)
Codesys Visu for Raspberry PI - X axis variable
Last updated: 2017-09-11

Connect Softmotion Axis to servo drive on Runtime CODESYS Forge talk (Thread)
Connect Softmotion Axis to servo drive on Runtime
Last updated: 2021-03-30

5-Axis Gantry following X-Y-Z G-Code CODESYS Forge talk (Thread)
5-Axis Gantry following X-Y-Z G-Code
Last updated: 2022-03-28

Gcode interpolator problem at 4 axis motion systme CODESYS Forge talk (Thread)
Gcode interpolator problem at 4 axis motion systme
Last updated: 2022-09-01

Logarithmic X-Axis in VISU Trace/Trend CODESYS Forge talk (Thread)
Logarithmic X-Axis in VISU Trace/Trend
Last updated: 2021-08-23

Python scripting : edit axis parameters from script CODESYS Forge talk (Thread)
Python scripting : edit axis parameters from script
Last updated: 2021-06-22

Softmotion library and breakpoint when control velocity axis CODESYS Forge talk (Thread)
Softmotion library and breakpoint when control velocity axis
Last updated: 2019-08-18

Raspberry Pi & LS7366R 24-BIT DUAL-AXIS QUADRATURE COUNTER CODESYS Forge talk (Thread)
Last updated: 2020-05-07

MC_Home of a master axis while a slave is geared? CODESYS Forge talk (Thread)
MC_Home of a master axis while a slave is geared?
Last updated: 2021-05-31

Halting an homing procedure: problem with the axis standstill? CODESYS Forge talk (Thread)
Halting an homing procedure: problem with the axis standstill?
Last updated: 2017-12-12

MC_CamIn with possibility to select the master axis CODESYS Forge talk (Thread)
MC_CamIn with possibility to select the master axis
Last updated: 2020-07-23

Superimposed won't work - axis not registering error CODESYS Forge talk (Thread)
Superimposed won't work - axis not registering error
Last updated: 2023-07-24

Multi axis servo control from pi licensing question CODESYS Forge talk (Thread)
Multi axis servo control from pi licensing question
Last updated: 2018-07-25

Softmotion axis to CANopen Maxon IDX drive CODESYS Forge talk (Thread)
Softmotion axis to CANopen Maxon IDX drive
Last updated: 2024-01-08

Driving the slave axis across master's zero point - caming CODESYS Forge talk (Thread)
Driving the slave axis across master's zero point - caming
Last updated: 2024-01-18

Discontinuity of A/B/C axis movement. CODESYS Forge talk (Thread)
Discontinuity of A/B/C axis movement.
Last updated: 2024-05-09

Post by trusty-squire on Display Units/Scale on Path3D visualization CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi, Is it possible to display the units along the X,Y axis of the Path3D element? It correctly shows the CNC path to be followed, but there's no indication of scale or size of what's being displayed. I looked at the documentation and my first inclination is that this is not possible, and the option option would be to somehow recreate the Path3D functionality into the XY Chart visu element - which is not ideal. Any suggestions or pointers would be appreciated!
Last updated: 2024-11-08

Post by trycyclepower on How to set unit in Axis CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
I am very new to Motion in Codesys. I have linear axis and would like to setup as mm, I want to move axis and control axis in mm, mm/s. How do I do that? I know my electronic gearing is 200000.
Last updated: 2024-08-29

Post by simotion on Inheritance of axis CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
I have developped a function block 'Axis' the inherits from 'AXIS_REF_SM3' -> FUNCTION_BLOCK Axis EXTENDS AXIS_REF_SM3 In my global variable list I define a variable MasterDrive of type Axis and assign Axis1. Axis1 is a virtual drive (AXIS_REF_VIRTUAL_SM3). This type should inherit from AXIS_REF_VIRTUAL. VAR_GLOBAL MasterDrive : Axis := Axis1; However I get the error 'Cannot convert type'. What is the way to obtain what I want : function block inheriting AXIS_REF_SM3 and initialising this function block with a Softmotion virtual or real axis?
Last updated: 2023-12-07

Ethercat scan for devices not picking up EL7041 as a softmotion axis CODESYS Forge talk (Thread)
Ethercat scan for devices not picking up EL7041 as a softmotion axis
Last updated: 2023-09-18

Post by kumareasu on Hydraulic Axis Controller CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
I want to make Hydraulic Axis Controller with Linear encoder feedback. Any library available ?
Last updated: 2023-12-08

How to record positions in softmotion's x-y axis by X-Y chart of package CODESYS Forge talk (Thread)
How to record positions in softmotion's x-y axis by X-Y chart of package
Last updated: 2018-12-04

Getting SMC_ERROR 34 SMC_AXIS_NOT_READY_FOR_MOTION, while the axis should be ready for motion CODESYS Forge talk (Thread)
Getting SMC_ERROR 34 SMC_AXIS_NOT_READY_FOR_MOTION, while the axis should be ready for motion
Last updated: 2023-02-27

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