Activity for MeatForge

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on a blog post

    Sorry! Your mail was in my spam folder. Just found it ;) I didn't run it such long, yet. But after 6h my 20000mAh Anker seemed to have max 1/3 of power lost. So feels like I could reach 18h w/ it. But I guess, that a default Raspbian will also eat more. As then more services will run in the background. I used wharfie, but you could also try to disable all unnecessary services in a Raspbian image.

  • bhess bhess posted a comment on a blog post

    This is a very interesting project! Can you tell me how large your battery pack is and how long it lasts powering the fan and Raspberry Pi? Sometimes I smoke large cuts of meat such as brisket and pork shoulder that can take upwards of 14 hours total. Currently I adjust temperature the old fashioned way - by fiddling around with the vents and frowning while looking at the temperature. This gets old after 6 hours or so, no matter how much beer I drink

  • aliazzz aliazzz posted a comment on a blog post

    Definatly a fun little project ;-) Thumbs up!

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on a blog post

    No I meant 25, as I have read this somewhere. But practically I reduced it much more, as I don't need such a high speed, and I want to have it running stable.

  • aliazzz aliazzz posted a comment on a blog post

    You probably mean 2.5 MHz?

  • modified a comment on a blog post

    Update Neither the temperature sensor, nor the driver were the problem. Just the SPI speed was not correctly set in the SPI master. After limiting the speed below 25MHz, it works like a charm ;)

  • modified a blog post

    Spare time for the ribs

  • modified a blog post


  • Ingo Ingo modified a wiki page


  • Ingo Ingo modified a wiki page


  • Ingo Ingo modified a wiki page


  • Ingo Ingo modified a wiki page


  • Ingo Ingo modified a wiki page


  • Ingo Ingo modified a wiki page


  • Ingo Ingo modified a wiki page


  • Ingo Ingo modified a wiki page


  • Ingo Ingo committed [r5]

    Added a package

  • Ingo Ingo committed [r4]

  • Ingo Ingo committed [r3]

    Created directory ...

  • Ingo Ingo committed [r2]

    Created directory ...

  • Ingo Ingo committed [r1]

    Add initial directories

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on a blog post

    Update Neither the temperature sensor, nor the driiver were the problem. Just the SPI speed was not correctly set in the SPI master. After limiting the speed below 25MHz, it works like a charm ;)

  • Ingo Ingo modified a comment on a blog post

    After the test... Sadly the temperature sensor didn't work relyably. Furthermore I had the known issue with the air, which is sucked through the gaps of the lid. So my todos: - fix the SPI driver - fix the lid The good thing: The ribs have been the best which I have eaten since years. Really amazing. So you see that the electrification is not mandatory, but convenient.

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on a blog post

    After the test... Sadly the temperature sensor didn't work relyably. Furthermore I had the known issue with the air, which is sucked through the gaps of the lid. So my todos: - fix the SPI driver - fix the lid The good thing: The ribs have been the best which I have eaten since years. Really amazing. So you see that the electrification is not mandatory, but convenient.

  • Ingo Ingo modified a wiki page


  • Ingo Ingo modified a blog post


  • Ingo Ingo modified a blog post


  • Ingo Ingo modified a blog post


  • Ingo Ingo modified a blog post


  • Ingo Ingo modified a blog post


  • Ingo Ingo modified a blog post


  • Ingo Ingo modified a blog post


  • Ingo Ingo modified a blog post


  • Ingo Ingo created a blog post


  • Ingo Ingo modified a blog post

    The Rack

  • Ingo Ingo modified a blog post

    The Rack

  • Ingo Ingo modified a blog post

    Spare time for the ribs

  • Ingo Ingo modified a blog post

    Fire in the box

  • Ingo Ingo modified a blog post

    Spare time for the ribs

  • Ingo Ingo modified a blog post

    Spare time for the ribs

  • Ingo Ingo created a blog post

    Spare time for the ribs

  • Ingo Ingo modified a blog post


  • Ingo Ingo modified a blog post

    The Rack

  • Ingo Ingo modified a blog post

    The Rack

  • Ingo Ingo modified a blog post

    The Rack

  • Ingo Ingo created a blog post

    The Rack

  • Ingo Ingo modified a blog post


  • Ingo Ingo modified a blog post


  • Ingo Ingo modified a blog post


  • Ingo Ingo created a blog post


  • Ingo Ingo modified a blog post

    The Tank

  • Ingo Ingo modified a blog post

    Fire in the box

  • Ingo Ingo modified a blog post

    Fire in the box

  • Ingo Ingo modified a blog post

    Fire in the box

  • Ingo Ingo modified a blog post

    Fire in the box

  • Ingo Ingo modified a blog post

    Fire in the box

  • Ingo Ingo created a blog post

    Fire in the box

  • Ingo Ingo modified a blog post

    The Tank

  • Ingo Ingo modified a blog post

    The Tank

  • Ingo Ingo modified a blog post

    The Tank

  • Ingo Ingo modified a blog post

    The Tank

  • Ingo Ingo modified a blog post

    The Tank

  • Ingo Ingo modified a blog post

    The Tank

  • Ingo Ingo modified a blog post

    The Tank

  • Ingo Ingo modified a blog post

    The Tank

  • Ingo Ingo created a blog post

    The Tank