Flash notifications are not shown
Will be fixed in Allura. Can't be easily merged. https://forge-allura.apache.org/p/allura/tickets/8312/
Flash notifications are not shown
.drone-artifacts directory troubles
I think it is a misunderstanding. The last example .drone.yml on the linked page shows the usage. In fact you just add the linux command to copy the artifact to the end of your .drone.yml.file. Other tools and scripts, which you maybe execute for testing on your windows host should not known anything about that folder.
Hi Aliazzz, first, windows accepts a dot in folder names like all others. Second, what do you try to achieve? The directory is only used during continuous integration. The directory name should only be used in drone helper scripts (like the codesys-ide:local), or inside of a .drone.yml file. The latter is described here: https://forge.codesys.com/forge/wiki/Continuous%20Integration/ BR, Ingo
added build package
added test
corrected working path
removed manual copy of build artifacts from drone.yml
create artifacts directory
test to fake result
Hi Aliazzz, like always: thanks for the input. I thought about it already, but don't have a solution, yet. The blog post is a workaround for me for the moment. BR, Ingo
Autoversioning commit: a non-deltaV client made a change to
Autoversioning commit: a non-deltaV client made a change to
Autoversioning commit: a non-deltaV client made a change to
Licenses of projects
CI CD menu under admin
BTW: This is the page, which I would expect to open for cfUnit: https://forge.codesys.com/build-status/prj/cfunit/build-log.html
Crazy! With your allowance I will login with your user to check it.
Can you be more precise? The system is not completed, yet. As some CODESYS features are missing, but the menu should work. You should get a report with a list of artifacts.
test rebuild
setting a project to "inactive" status
no worries. but it shows, that project status and rights should be better described, or easier to configure.
last page update
Sadly not as easy as it sounds. Sorry for the moment.
Hi Aliazzz, some of the options will be removed when the style of the statistics will be fixed. But with the keyphrases, you are right. This is a non-critical and important feature, when s.o. seriously optimizes his descriptions for Google. Seems as this is a limitation of goaccess, which we are using to get the statistics. I hope, that I applied a good enough workaround.
Explaining the new Rate system?
Explaining the new Rate system?
Explaining the new Rate system?
Hi Aliazzz, I wrote a small help page. Hope it explains it for you. If not, let me know. https://forge.codesys.com/forge/wiki/Discussions/ BR, Ingo
A good read: https://gist.github.com/dupuy/1855764
.rst markup language support for Allura?
Hi Aliazzz, I was thinking about that a bit. While it sounds very true, that things become better reusable, I have no clue about the actual use cases, yet. What I can imagine: You export library documentation and want to include this in your Wiki. Are there other use cases, which you thought of? BR, Ingo
This is not exactly possible. But you can install ablanding page if you like: https://forge.codesys.com/forge/wiki/Landing%20Page/