Activity for Ingo

  • Ingo Ingo modified a wiki page


  • Ingo Ingo modified a wiki page


  • Ingo Ingo modified a wiki page


  • Ingo Ingo modified a blog post

    Menu highlights

  • Ingo Ingo created a blog post

    Menu highlights

  • Ingo Ingo renamed a blog post

    Update to Allura 1.12.0

  • Ingo Ingo renamed a blog post

    Update to Allura 1.12

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on ticket #64

    First step: After the next deployment "codesys export-libdoc" will work, which generates a library documentation in a zip file. Didn't find out if it is possible to create the chm and pdf under linux, yet. In a quick test it didn't work.

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on discussion General Discussion


  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Test 2

  • Ingo Ingo modified ticket #59

    a better way to show "cForge updates"?

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on ticket #59

    One part is fixed by the "News Feed", which is in its base a blog. Another thing might be, that we give the users personalized announcements. But the latter is which will slowly grow in the context of improving the user experience. This is an ongoing topic, and therefore I will close this ticket.

  • Ingo Ingo modified a blog post

    CI / CD Badges

  • Ingo Ingo created a blog post

    Update to Allura 1.12.0

  • Ingo Ingo committed [r6]

    updated compiler version, so that check all pool objects succeeds

  • Ingo Ingo committed [r5]

    saved library in SP15 binary format to check if Drone works again after that

  • Ingo Ingo modified a wiki page


  • Ingo Ingo modified a wiki page


  • Ingo Ingo modified a wiki page


  • Ingo Ingo modified a wiki page


  • Ingo Ingo modified a blog post

    CI / CD Badges

  • Ingo Ingo created a blog post

    CI / CD Badges

  • Ingo Ingo modified a wiki page


  • Ingo Ingo modified a wiki page


  • Ingo Ingo modified a wiki page


  • Ingo Ingo modified a wiki page


  • Ingo Ingo committed [r8]

    updated media files

  • Ingo Ingo modified a wiki page


  • Ingo Ingo committed [r7]

    - corrected handling of optional media files

  • Ingo Ingo committed [r6]

    added free default media files to tubetutor

  • Ingo Ingo modified a wiki page


  • Ingo Ingo modified a blog post

    Continuous Integration Beta

  • Ingo Ingo created a blog post

    Continuous Integration Beta

  • Ingo Ingo modified a blog post

    News Feed

  • Ingo Ingo created a blog post

    News Feed

  • Ingo Ingo modified ticket #66

    where are my artefacts?

  • Ingo Ingo modified ticket #67

    The CI/CD created package ended up as a mess!

  • Ingo Ingo committed [r4]


  • Ingo Ingo modified ticket #68

    packages auto-update mechanism

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on ticket #68

    Hi Aliazzz, unfortunately that's only possible through the CODESYS Store at the moment.

  • Ingo Ingo modified ticket #62

    Support page getting a more prominent link in Home

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on ticket #62

    Not there, but I added one into the menu. Will roll out on next deplopyment. Thanks for the input!

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on ticket #67

    I really don't get it. Beside the *.opt files, you committed all those files into the tags directory v1.0.0.0. So I currently see none which was accidently autogenerated.

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on ticket #66

    You can do so, using your build-scripts, or by placing specific "cp", "mv" or "rm" commands in your .drone.yml When you use the default "codesys" build scripts, you don't need to care about the artifacts, as those commands are copying them already on their own. If you want to have a look into the scripts:

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on ticket #67

    Hi Aliazzz, the package.manifest of package v1.0.0.0 is already exactly yours. It is only auto-generated if there is none found. So yours is taken. The installation problem, which I got was due to a duplicate package Id (maybe only in my, potentially corrupted, installation). But thanks on the input about the additional generated files. This should really not be. BR, Ingo

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on ticket #67

    Hi Aliazzz, I had a quick look, but didn't find what's wrong. I was not able to install the package, but the content looked good. That we pack everything from the subfolder, which contains the package.manifest is a design decission. It makes things a bit easier. We just copy everything, but the package installer installs just the parts, which are defined in the manifest. One thing, is that it makes the package build more simple. The second thing is, that it is also no bad idea to include the sources...

  • Ingo Ingo modified ticket #63

    private (disclosed source) project possibilities?

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on ticket #63

    Yes, it is possible. Simply because there are many sane scenarios for that. For example think of a build repository, which contains a private key. Or you maintain a home automation lib, and want to host your private building project on the same platform. So it is OK as long as you don't abuse the service. If you do so, we reserve us the right to delete the project or even the account.

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on ticket #66

    Maybe it's a misunderstanding. The artifacts are not committed to your repository, but placed in a shared folder (see screenshot). The artifacts are by purpose accessible through a link, which you can use directly as a download link. Like this:,cforge,code/...

  • Ingo Ingo modified ticket #61

    Flash notifications are not shown

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on ticket #61

    Got it to merge. So it is already fixed in our allura instance.

  • Ingo Ingo modified ticket #61

    Flash notifications are not shown

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