updated app w/ new logo
Error 500 Forking or Pushing GIT repositories
Hi Ian, this is what counts for open source drivers: https://forge.codesys.com/drv/io-drivers/database/ If you use another range, or you don't register your ID, you are not safe against conflicts with deivers from others.
GiIThub like workflow for PR
font bug on homepage of forge.codesys.com
Thanks Ian! I wonder why we didn't notice it, yet ;)
Yes, the error 500 thing is s.th. else. Hard to catch but happens from time to time.
Future of cforge package
Haha, it is a flux compensator (back to future). ;) But I think we change this after we get the App Logo from marketing. Then the direction becomes more clear.
User Migration from CODESYS Forum
Raspberry PI image usernames and passwords
Hi Daniele! It definitely was root:root. But actually your are not allowed to login through ssh as root. It is very common, that this is not allowed on linux. As a workaround, you can login as a user, and use su to gain root access: $> ssh wharfie@ login as: wharfie password: <-- here you enter the wharfie password $> su - Password: <-- here you enter the root password Here I committed the Wharfile with which the image was built: https://forge.codesys.com/tol/wharfie/code/HEAD/tree/trunk/wharfie/examples/RaspiRT/Wharfile...
Added example config for the Raspberry Pi RT image.
Hi Ian, great idea! The only problem I see is the responsibility. And resulting from this security concerns. The reason is, that I expect, that it makes more sense to have a global repository for forge instead of having those for each project. But if we do so, the way to publish libraries and devices needs to be defined, as well as a concept to maintain the publishing rights. As long as this concept is not set, we can't start.
Markdown Syntax
Markdown Syntax
CODESYS Forge Android App (alpha)
The button status should follow the URL
Click on notification should lead to the corresponding page
updated cforge package
Form data is lost in mobile view
Form data is lost in mobile view
fixed it wrote this ... pressed back button ... and clicked on this ticket again ... => Works ;)
updated cforge package
History is wrong when back button is used
No, you're right. It's root:root in the examples ;) https://forge.codesys.com/tol/wharfie/code/HEAD/tree/trunk/wharfie/examples/CODESYS/Wharfile#l16
History is wrong when back button is used
Oh I see. The image was built with wharfie. Seems like I didn't commit the Wharfile with which it was created. I will update that soon. For the meantime: I think the password was the default, which I usually use in the wharfie examples. Thats root:wharfie and wharfie:wharfie.
CfUnit API Reference keeps showing up as 'revised'
Sorry for the inconvenience! Finding the root of the problem wasn't easy. Now I marked the page as deleted.
added cfunit test project
Add initial directories
Looks good! Which data type is the vqriable LED? You know, that for a boolean channel, just one bit is copied. The line: pParameter^.dwDriverSpecific := ... ... is storing the address of the variable of your driver FB in the structure of the parameter. This address is then used in ReadInputs/WriteOutputs to copy the I/O data quickly there.
Form data is lost in mobile view
Forn data is lost in mobile view
Click on notification should lead to the corresponding page
The button status should follow the URL
The MCP3008 driver is doing it this way. Step 1) Implement the I/O Driver Interface. For this, the driver defines a new FB, implenting this interface: FUNCTION_BLOCK IoDrvMCP3008 EXTENDS IoDrvBase Step 2) Instantiate the driver FB in your devdesc: <RequiredLib libname="Linux SPI MCP3008" vendor="Open Source" version="" identifier="deviceLib"> <FBInstance basename="$(DeviceName)" fbname="IoDrvMCP3008"> <Initialize methodName="Initialize" /> </FBInstance> </RequiredLib> Step 3) instantiate your...
Your code looks good. I expect, that you are missing some init code. Did you already try "strace" on your python script? I would either try strace or a python debugger to get a better understanding of the python code. In CODESYS you can't do much wrong. Except that you might have the wrong device or frequency configured in the SPI master of your project. Especially the frequency can be important, as on some raspbian versions, the highest possible frequency was not limited correctly. Therefore you...
updated app w/ changes to versioning and fix in notification handling
Makes fully sense. But all at its time. And all only when it's needed. So I don't think, that there is any use for a side menu with the current feature set. At the monent an info button in the bottom menu, or even built into the menu of the website makes more sense. While side swiping is desirable. But when we do it, the whole handling of histories becomes more complex. Think of, that you swipe accidently to the side. When you swipe back again, you want to be on the same page, scroll position and...
Actually I prepared the notifications already. Mainly the compatible handling between Android Oreo and the versions before is a bit tricky and not working, yet. The versioning is not prepared, yet. Looking forward to the ideas of Erich ;)
corrected notification feed urls
added notification mechanism
Hi Brian, I think I understand your situation a bit better now. 1) module file I would recommend to stay with one file. Modules are just additional devices, defined in the same device description file. They share virtually every possible tags with the devices, except those, which are identifying the device in the device repository. So, you can define a module parallel to the device in your device description: ... </Device> <Modules> <Module> <ModuleId>1704</ModuleId> <DeviceInfo> <Name name="localStrings:Name1704>Digital...
Hi Aliazzz, you analyzed it already. But, yes a differentiated behavior is possible. Depending on the screensize maybe. Lets see...
fixed bug while rotating the device
CODESYS Forge Android App (pre-alpha)
first alpha of the android app
Did you already check the [SPI] page? Additionally you can find an SPI Template driver in the code repository.
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