Activity for Ingo

  • Ingo Ingo modified a wiki page


  • Ingo Ingo committed [r1]

    Pre-Alpha version of TubeTutor

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on ticket #36

    OK, thanks for the brainstorming. That's actually very helpful. When I try to join from the other side. I try to modify as few as possible. Then I could imagine, that we integrate all information on the existing dashboard, but give you the ability to hide the information. Then you can decide which information you want to see. 1) my projects widget => already on the dashboard 2) activity widget => already on the dashboard 3) forum widget => is currently integrated in the list of tickets 4) widget...

  • Ingo Ingo modified ticket #36

    Individualizing the user's "Home"

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on ticket #36

    I reopend this issue, as I was focusing on the dashboard too much (which I found was a great addition at that time). But maybe we should collect which kind of "widgets" or which Kind of information you would expect. Because I want to make more use of the users "privat project" , which is part of the profile. If you think about that like the private channels on youtube, it starts to make sense that everyone publishes repos, blog posts or wiki pages on this channel. And an addition may be that you...

  • Ingo Ingo modified ticket #38

    Traffic statistics

  • Ingo Ingo modified ticket #36

    Individualizing the user's "Home"

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on ticket #38

    Hi Aliazzz! It is not as well integrated as most other tools. But how do you find it?

  • Ingo Ingo modified ticket #40


  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on ticket #40

    Hi Aliazzz, it should make no difference, also in the future. We still want to support open source activities. If you encounter any problems, treat it as a bug and report it. BR, Ingo

  • Ingo Ingo created ticket #2

    SPI / I2C Howto

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on ticket #12

    You didn't step on any toes! Really not! ;) Honestly the reaction of our marketing regarding the hammer was similar ;) Regarding the copyright thing: I care mich about licenses and copyrights. Therefore I will only use 3rd party material when the copyright is clear. Another idea is to use simply the black wires CODESYS Logo.

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on ticket #12

    Hi Aliazzz, what's wrong with the hammer? ;) What are the licenses of those images? BR, Ingo

  • Ingo Ingo committed [r62]

    Support new commands from the Projects website

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on ticket #37

    Hi Aliazzz, Sounds nice ;) Done!

  • Ingo Ingo modified ticket #37

    "Unlicense" license

  • Ingo Ingo modified a wiki page


  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on ticket #9

    Honestly? The swiss army knife is my first intend ;) But you are right. There are new ideas around for a better integration. After a proof of concept, and a decision, you are right, we can illustrate the goal or roadmap. For now: My current Vision is a similar usability as Crossover office is giving the users. You have a set of tools, which can be used by their own. And then you have a frontend, which gives you easy access to the tools for your personal projects.

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on ticket #9

    The idea is good. But two things: 1) I would not mix bootstrapping (or maybe better "prerequisit check") with the libdoc exe detection 2) FindExePath tries to expand the exe name with environment variables. That makes IMHO not much sense. Maybe this function needs to be reworked before it can be integrated But another idea: svn.exe is needed only necessary for a few python scripts. But on the other hand, there might be some more prerequisits to check. What's if we don't check it in C# at time of...

  • Ingo Ingo modified ticket #9

    Draft for better bootstrapping and checking prerequisits

  • Ingo Ingo modified ticket #10

    attachments to ticket 9

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on ticket #10

    Seems like all is already attached.

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on ticket #8

    I added the hint with TortoiseSVN to the prerequisits.

  • Ingo Ingo modified ticket #8

    cForge installation on latest Win10 x64

  • Ingo Ingo modified a wiki page


  • Ingo Ingo modified ticket #9


  • Ingo Ingo imported Tickets

  • Ingo Ingo modified a wiki page


  • Ingo Ingo modified a wiki page


  • Ingo Ingo created ticket #1

    IoDrvFB: Error in Logger after download

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on ticket #8

    OK, and sadly I was not able to reproduce the issue. I used SP14 64Bit on a Win10 VM from here. Everything worked. Except, that the package download in IE was a bit anoying. It always renamed my package to *.zip ;) BTW: I didn't need to change the Setup.bat. It doesn't contain any path information. What did you change there?

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on ticket #8

    Hi Aliazzz! At least the last error message sounds clear to me. Sorry that the prerequisits checks are not good enough, yet. You will need to install a command line SVN client. I usually install Tortoise SVN and check the "add to path"-Option during the installation. But you can also just install the svn tools from somewhere else. They just need to be found in the path. You can check that by opening the the windows command line and enter "svn -h". This command should succeed. I will try to reproduce...

  • Ingo Ingo modified a wiki page


  • Ingo Ingo modified a wiki page


  • Ingo Ingo modified a wiki page


  • Ingo Ingo modified a wiki page


  • Ingo Ingo modified a wiki page


  • Ingo Ingo committed [r3]

    Added device description and initial package

  • Ingo Ingo committed [r2]

    Initial Import of the driver library

  • Ingo Ingo committed [r1]

    Created directory ...

  • Ingo Ingo modified a wiki page


  • Ingo Ingo modified a wiki page

    Driver FB

  • Ingo Ingo committed [r13]

    Added device description and exported documentation

  • Ingo Ingo committed [r12]

    Initial Import of the FB I/O driver template

  • Ingo Ingo committed [r11]

    Created directory ...

  • Ingo Ingo modified a wiki page


  • Ingo Ingo modified a wiki page


  • Ingo Ingo modified a wiki page


  • Ingo Ingo modified a wiki page


  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on ticket #34

    I think we agreed on this issue. If you find another one, please file a new ticket.

  • Ingo Ingo modified ticket #34

    New layout is really ugly...

  • Ingo Ingo modified ticket #17

    Markdown is not well editable on small screens

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on ticket #17

    This is as good or bad, as it can currently be. This issue is tracked in the allura framework.

  • Ingo Ingo modified a wiki page


  • Ingo Ingo modified a wiki page


  • Ingo Ingo modified a wiki page


  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on ticket #26

    Addition to this ticket: I just added a link named "Activity" to the menu. It uses a sorted search.

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on ticket #15

    Sorting is not optimal, yet. But everything is indexed.

  • Ingo Ingo modified ticket #15

    Source code is not indexed

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on discussion General Discussion


  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on ticket #34

    Thanks for the feedback. We're currently working with our designers on that topic. Every feedback is welcome. If the layout is corrupted somehow, please let us know (w/ a screenshot). You know that some browsers are difficult sometimes. ;)

  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on ticket #33

    I played around with it a bit. Was this roughly what you meant?

  • Ingo Ingo modified a wiki page


  • Ingo Ingo committed [r3]

    Added package

  • Ingo Ingo committed [r2]

  • Ingo Ingo committed [r1]

    Created directory ...

  • Ingo Ingo modified a wiki page


  • Ingo Ingo modified a wiki page


  • Ingo Ingo posted a comment on ticket #33

    Hi Aliazzz, great idea actually. My queation is more about the format to choose. My current guess is, that a youtube video would fit best. Or what do you think?

  • Ingo Ingo committed [r2]

    Added first testversion of Debian based, RTPREEPT Image for RPI2 and RPI3.

  • Ingo Ingo modified a wiki page


  • Ingo Ingo committed [r1]

    Add initial directories

  • Ingo Ingo modified a wiki page


  • Ingo Ingo modified a wiki page


  • Ingo Ingo modified a wiki page


  • Ingo Ingo modified a wiki page


  • Ingo Ingo modified a wiki page


  • Ingo Ingo modified a wiki page


  • Ingo Ingo modified a wiki page


  • Ingo Ingo modified a wiki page


  • Ingo Ingo modified a wiki page


  • Ingo Ingo created a wiki page


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